Free Guide

Decision Guide: Should I Refinish My Furniture?

Do you long for magazine-worthy home furnishings?
Are you stuck with good quality furniture that just doesn’t bring you joy when you look at it?
Do you worry about destroying the value of your furniture?
Do you feel overwhelmed by all of the refinishing “advice” you’re finding online?
Do you wonder if the furniture is too far gone to refinish?

This is the guide for you!

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In this free guide

You will learn…

This step-by-step guide teaches how to create the right design plan for you and your furniture! By the time you’re finished, you will:

  • Identify the piece’s potential value
  • Gain insight into your furniture’s construction
  • Create a re-design plan that fits your piece of furniture and your unique style

Furniture is needed for practical reasons, and because it must be there, it may as well be as pleasant as possible to look at, and in a less definable psychological way, comforting to the spirit.

Edward J Wormley
I’m Becky

I am passionate about helping you transform your furniture into functional decor that brings you joy.

Neglected and banged-up furniture is my favorite kind of rescue project! Probably because I grew up in a home built and furnished in the 1800s. Over the years, I saw those pieces transformed from damaged and dusty to glowing and gorgeous! When I married and began furnishing our home 15 years ago, I rescued so many dated pieces, transforming them into modern family heirlooms.

While I love seeing furniture transformed, I don’t love seeing the confusion that new furniture refinishers face. Between the flipping community and the staunch “don’t paint that or it will become worthless” advocates, it’s easy to become confused. This guide and the accompanying checklist are the solutions to that confusion!

I share the benefits of my experiences to help you with your refinishing journey. Gain clarity and confidence as you follow the step-by-step process to discover the best strategy for you and your furniture! Download your free copy of the Furniture Refinishing Guide today!

Ready to discover if transforming your banged-up, boring, or outdated furniture into a conversation piece is right for you?

Download your free copy of the Refinishing Decision Guide today!